Friday, July 17, 2009

Summer Wrap

Well, Summer is drawing to completion. School supplies have replaced swimming gear at Walmart, and jeans are arriving daily at the mall. I hope you have had a great Summer!

I had a little talk last week with a guy named Willie. Willie washes our windows at the church. It seems he has taken a peek at what is happening in the classrooms for several weeks. He came to me, very concerned about what he has observed. After talking, I have realized that Willie is a very smart man. He suggested I let you know about his observations. You see, we have scaled back for the summer. The classes are small and intimate, but Willie reminded me of last fall and winter. He has prompted me to remind you of those sweet, smiling faces eager to come to Sunday school and Children's Church. He reminded me of the wonderful excitement that resonates from children when they experience God's love. He reminded me that I cannot and should not do this alone. He reminded me that I should include you, and allow you to experience this JOY!!! And...he's right!!!

You will have the a chance to see the "Windows of Opportunity". The listing of opportunities are located in the Children's Hall across from my office. Take a peek. If you feel God calling you to take the next step, sign up on the clip board (on the bulletin board), and place your Green "Filled" tag on the Opportunity board. I promise you, you will be thankful you followed God's prompting.

If you don't see an Opportunity, on this listing, that you feel is yours to take, keep watching. We will post new ones weekly. The scripture says that to some he called to be teachers, prophets....wait on His calling, then let me know where He wants you to serve.

Serving kids at Liberty Crossings

Monday, April 20, 2009

Rock the Dock- VBS 2009!

It's almost here folks!!!! VBS 2009 Crocodile Dock. Where fearless kids let their light shine. June 15-19 from 9 until 12. We will accept registration for children who have completed Kindergarten through completion of 5th grade. Preschool and nursery children may come if mom or dad will be working onsite each day. Just a few bits to help you find your way to the DOCK. To register your child or to become a volunteer, go to Register today. For more information, contact Melissa Betts or call 205-951-7707 Looking forward to Rocking the Dock with you this year. -Melissa

Monday, March 30, 2009

Spring Has Sprung!!!!

Even though the air is crisp and cool, I have a spring in my step today. We had a great Council on Ministries meeting yesterday. April and May will be a great month in the life of our church. Currently, we are all experiencing Lent and pondering the sacrifice our Lord made for us. I encourage us to use this time to seek God for changes He wants to make in you. Let Him mold you and make you into the beautiful vessel He planned for you to become.

Get your calendars out and plan to attend our Holy Week offerings:
April 5th, Palm Sunday- The children will be waving palm branches for the Processional. If you would like for your child to participate, please bring them to the Brown Room by 10:20. We will also enjoy a special musical selection from our Choir during the morning worship.

April 8th, Wednesday nigth Small groups- We will have our regular Wednesday night offerings starting with Supper at 5:15 and Groups at 6:15.

April 9th, Maundy Thursday Service- Join us for this special service of rememberance. The service will begin at 6:30 and nursery is provided for children 3 & under.

April 10th, April Tot Mom Outing- Calling all mothers and tots (any children too young for elementary school). Join us for our April gathering. Our theme is Easter Fun from 10 until 12. Please rsvp for lunch count ($4 per adult/child)

April 10th, Movie Viewing- We will be showing "The Passion" as a community offering. Please rsvp for seating by emailing Sharon- The event is free and chilcare is provided for children 4 and under. Please note a need for this in your reservation.

April 11th, Saturday Easter Egg Hunt- We invite you to join us for a Family Picnic and Easter Egg Hunt. Picnic and Games are scheduled between 11-12, and the Egg Hunt starts at Noon. We encourage you to invite your neighbors and visiting family to this special event. RSVP for lunch and hunt today

April 12th, Easter Sunday- We will be hosting two services for Easter morning. Traditional Worship at 8:30 and Contemporary Worship at 10:45. This will mark a time change for all who regularly attend. Our Sunday School classes will meet at 9:30 for a breakfast reception in the lower level adult classrooms. All classes will participate in this offering.

I hope that you will mark your calendar to attend some of these special services over the next two weeks. We are praying that God will move within our church body and draw us closer to Him during this season.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Save the Date!!!!!

Just a quick post today. Asking you to "SAVE the DATE".

Easter Celebration- April 11th- this will be a fun time to hunt eggs, hear the resurection story, lunch, and spend time in God's beautiful creation with our neighbors

VBS 2009- "Crockodile Dock" Where fearless kids shine God's light!- June 15th-19th 9 till 12. Now taking volunteer applications and web link will be posted soon.

Summer Camp @ Sumatanga- June 22nd-26th for Daycamp and Overnight Campers. Online registration link coming soon!

Looking forward to 2009 Children's Ministry in the Park! ~Melissa

Friday, January 9, 2009

How will you "ACTS"?

I recently recieved a newsletter from a church (not in our area). In fact I get several mailers each week, and try to read as many newsletters, blogs, etc from churches that appear to do things well. It's kind of like a "checkup" for me. Am I communicating effectivley, what can I do to present the idea that God has laid on my heart?
So after reading this newsletter, I questioned why a 100 year old church would be sending something like this. This was so clearly a call to do some basic thinking about their "motives"...weren't they past all this? I mean, this article is what I think a young church (like ourselves) needs. But then I heard that quiet chuckle from the Holy Spirit...humored by my
quandry......."Melissa, the building has been there forever, and yes they have things running
like clockwork where it applies to the "policies" and "procedures" , but the PEOPLE have only been there a short time. Remember, this church was like a church plant (much like our own) it just happened within an established building and among a large congregation."

Hum...........I saw what God was trying to say. They are human too.... They are working on relationships, strategies, outreach, evangelism just like we are called to. So, I am challenged today, and I want to challenge you. So here is the idea that sparked my thoughts:
The New Year is for new beginnings... church and personal. The church found its
beginnings in the book of Acts. Luke titled his second book the "Acts of the
Apostles." We to can find new beginnings in acts.

A- is for attract.
C- is for connect.
T- is for transformed.
S- is for send.
What if we let these 4 letters guide and direct our ministry for the coming year?
What if all the boards, all the committees that are part of our leadership allowed these
4 ideas guide their ministry? What if you let it guide you?

The leaders cant carry out all the ministry of the church alone. It will take each one of us becoming involved.
How can you Attract?
How can you Connect or help others connect?
How can you help to transform the lifes of those around you?
How will you help others recognize that God is Sending them like Jesus sent his disciples?

How will you "ACTS" today?